Teacher Residency/Alternative Pathway

Teach For America

New York, NY

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By 2021, we will...

Curate and/or design high quality curricula and instructional resources for middle school and high school STEM content areas and start curating high quality curricula and instructional resources for ECE and elementary STEM.

Curate and/or design PK-12 STEM specific learning experiences and resources to support teachers in actualizing Teach For America's Teaching Practices and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in their classrooms.

Develop and share effective strategies that lead to an increased number of CS teachers in our network that identify as teachers of color.

Is there anything else you intend to do to maximize your impact via the network?

We intend to coordinate with our preparation programs and regions to support our participants to increase their curricular literacy to ensure they are executing these resources in culturally relevant, universally designed, and linguistically responsive ways.

We intend to audit our current catalogue of learning experiences and align any edits or new design to the Teaching Practices and commit to user testing with teachers as part of our design expectations to ensure all online learning experiences teachers have access to are aligned to both our Teaching Practices as well as Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.

To make our work more effective, we intend to continue and deepen our networked improvement community (NIC) that centers the experiences of teachers of color and their students while interrogating issues teachers consider central to broadening recruitment and participation efforts.