100Kin10 Project Team: Examining Requirements for Math Teacher Preparation Coursework (2018)

Updated: October 30, 2018

- Check out a webinar about this team's work.

This Project Team worked to explore the diverse decision-making processes for what constitutes as required Mathematics coursework for secondary teachers. Members include Western Governors University, GWTeach at George Washington University, CME Group Foundation, University System of Maryland, and New Visions for Public Schools.

The requirements for math teacher education programs vary across states and reflect different understandings of what constitutes proper Mathematics coursework for secondary teachers. This team conducted document reviews, interviewed relevant stakeholders, and examined case studies from several of the larger math teacher education institutions to understand how decisions are made about how to structure math teacher education programs in a way that align with state standards.

The goal of this Project Team was to explore differing viewpoints to see if it is possible to coalesce around common agreements and determine data-based ways to make better decisions moving forward.