Higher Education Institution

Reach Institute for School Leadership

Oakland, CA

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By 2021, we will...

Engage over 120 STEM teachers in a professional learning initiative focused on increasing teachers' abilities to teach the higher-order thinking skills essential to effective STEM learning.

Develop a concrete model to facilitate, coordinate, and support the school wide implementation of this STEM professional development in the districts where we work.

Research and assess the factors that contribute to high impact STEM professional preparation and development in order to inform Reach's STEM program and advance the field.

Is there anything else you intend to do to maximize your impact via the network?

Collaborate with school and district leaders in order to cultivate a culture of support for sustained and intensive professional development and instructional coaching within school communities.

Explore incorporating the services of outside organizations to help Reach effectively structure time for professional learning into the school day and to engage students in meaningful enrichment activities while teachers engage in PD sessions.

Continue integrating elements of West Cap into Reach educator preparation programs to ensure new teachers enter the classroom with enhanced STEM instruction skills.