100Kin10 Project Team: Next Generation Science Standards in California (2017)
This Project Team is harnessing and building on the momentum of NGSS implementation in CA, by gathering and disseminating support tools and resources to district leaders and other middle management STEM, science, and school professionals.
The NGSS in CA Project Team is led by the CDE Foundation. Project Members include UCLA, KQED, WestEd, Chevron, CSU, and the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley.
Together, these 7 organizations are gathering and reviewing existing tools and resources related to NGSS implementation in CA. After reviewing existing materials, and determining the strongest tools, the team will work to disseminate these professional learning opportunities to middle management leaders such as district leadership, science department chairs, coaches, TOSAs, coordinators, and other key personnel within the schools that could benefit from strong NGSS implementation support. Increasing district leader awareness of and advocacy for quality science instruction is key to successful NGSS implementation, both of which are best channeled and sustained through professional learning investments in the LCFF/LCAP process.