First Look: Remotely Located Multi-Classroom Leadership in Hard-to-Staff Secondary Schools
Watch "First Look: Remotely Located Multi-Classroom Leadership in Hard-to-Staff Secondary Schools", a "Steal This" presentation from North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) and Public Impact.
Participation in AP and dual-enrollment programs boosts college enrollment and degree attainment. But many schools face barriers to offering advanced courses‚ particularly urban Title I and rural schools. Though encouraged to offer AP courses, schools face four primary challenges: 1) Low demand for advanced courses, 2) Limited funds for teaching positions, 3) Chronic teacher vacancies, and 4) Limited access to expert teachers and teaching peers.
Pioneering districts have addressed these by creating an Opportunity Culture, enabling teachers with proven high-growth student learning to become multi-classroom leaders (MCLs). MCLs lead teaching teams of about six teachers, ensuring strong lessons and teaching methods through frequent, on-the-job development, while continuing to teach part of the time, and earning substantial supplements funded within existing budgets. Third-party research shows MCL-led teachers achieve significantly greater student learning growth.
But many schools have no in-person MCL for advanced courses. Districts have expressed interest in Remotely Located Multi-Classroom Leadership for hard-to-staff schools and subjects to develop high-quality teaching, form a collaborative teaching team, and improve students' readiness, access, and performance.
The first pilot occurred in North Carolina in 2019, funded by The College Board, designed by Public Impact, and implemented by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.
- Melissa Thibault (, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
- Grayson Cooper (, Public Impact
Presentation slides can be found here.
Learn more about this work:
What is an Opportunity Culture?
Handout: Remote Multi-Classroom Leadership
Article: "First look: Remotely located teacher leadership"
NCSSM partnership opportunities for schools and educators
- Open enrollment courses offered statewide at NCSSM
- Video playlist of open enrollment course introductions
Key themes: Teacher leadership, job-embedded professional development, remote learning and remote support, equity and access, coaching
This presentation may be especially interesting and valuable for district and virtual program administrators, IHEs seeking to support K-12 teachers and students, and others interested in connecting educators with ongoing, job-embedded support across physical boundaries.
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This video is part of our 2020 series of "Steal This" Sessions, in which partners share approaches and lessons learned with the broader 100Kin10 network to adapt and use to address the Grand Challenges in their own organizations and communities. Typically, "Steal This" Sessions take place at 100Kin10's Annual Partner Summit. Because we convened virtually for our 2020 Summit, partners are sharing their "Steal This" sessions as remotely self-recorded videos this year!