Instructional Materials
Value of S, T, and E
funding for schools to purchase STEM materials
Full Challenge: Funding for schools to purchase PK-12 STEM materials.
Challenge Description: There is often insufficient funding for STEM supplies and resources.
Math Anywhere! In Your Community…at Home!
Watch "Math Anywhere! In Your Community…at Home!", a recorded "Steal This" presentation from Educational Service District 112. This presentation...
Catalyzing Change in Math Education: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities in Elementary and Beyond
Watch "Catalyzing Change in Math Education: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities in Elementary and Beyond", a recorded "Steal This" presentation...

Teacher Forum Talks: Defining, Accessing, and Investing in STEM
August 27, 2019 Here at 100Kin10 we seek out the perspectives of STEM teachers from across the country through our Teacher Forum. Members help us...
Few teachers have opportunities to engage with current STEM content and industry.
Published July 2017. In recent years, the emphasis on providing students with quality education in the science, technology, mathematics, and...

Four Reasons STEM Gets Shortchanged
October 18, 2018 The 100Kin10 Teacher Forum is the vehicle that enables 100Kin10 to infuse the priorities and work of the network with what STEM...

Building on the Buzz: STEM Value and Prioritization in Schools
September 20, 2017 The 100Kin10 Teacher Forum was launched to hear directly from STEM teachers about what’s happening in schools and classrooms...
Communities often do not advocate for science, technology, or engineering.
Published July 2017. More than ever, a strong educational foundation in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines is a...
Principals often do not advocate for science, technology, and engineering.
Published July 2017. Americans are all too familiar with the disappointing news of our students performing poorly compared to their international...
Schools and principals often are not accountable for science, technology, and engineering learning.
Published July 2017. Conversations regarding the implementation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs are happening all...
Teachers lack funding to provide quality STEM instructional experiences.
Published July 2017. Many science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses and content require or benefit from specific facilities and...

"Where will I find the time, resources, support, professional development?"
For me, STEM is a way of thinking – more than just an established integrated set of disciplines. I was introduced to STEM in elementary school at...
Many teachers lack access to quality STEM curriculum.
Published July 2017. In order to add 100,000 excellent science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers to America’s classrooms by...

"I would love to have teachers use their professional development days learning about the advances in STEM research"
I have always thrived in situations, both academically and professionally, where I was allowed to be inquisitive and work through scenarios by...
STEM content and pedagogy are not integrated.
Published July 2017. Improvements in teacher preparation to better focus on the unique characteristics of 21st-century teaching and learning have been...