Professional Growth
teacher collaboration time during the school day
This challenge is a catalyst, meaning it is one of the most strategic and efficient areas for creating impact and, if solved, would have outsized positive effects across the system.
Full Challenge: The time for PK-12 STEM teachers to collaborate during the school day.
Challenge Description: Teachers often do not have time within the regular school schedule to collaborate with their peers.
First Look: Remotely Located Multi-Classroom Leadership in Hard-to-Staff Secondary Schools
Watch "First Look: Remotely Located Multi-Classroom Leadership in Hard-to-Staff Secondary Schools", a "Steal This" presentation from North Carolina...
How Modeling Instruction Provides Effective Professional Development for STEM Teachers
Watch "How Modeling Instruction Provides Effective Professional Development for STEM Teachers", a recorded "Steal This" presentation from the American...
Catalyzing Change in Math Education: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities in Elementary and Beyond
Watch "Catalyzing Change in Math Education: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities in Elementary and Beyond", a recorded "Steal This" presentation...
Funding Opportunities to Support the Recruitment, Preparation, and Retention of STEM Teachers of Color
Watch "Funding Opportunities to Support the Recruitment, Preparation, and Retention of STEM Teachers of Color", a recorded "Steal This" presentation...

Teacher Forum Talks: Work Environment Update
October 16, 2019 The 100Kin10 Teacher Forum helps us keep an ear to the ground on what’s happening inside schools and classrooms across the country....

Teacher Forum Talks: Defining, Accessing, and Investing in STEM
August 27, 2019 Here at 100Kin10 we seek out the perspectives of STEM teachers from across the country through our Teacher Forum. Members help us...

Teacher Forum Talks: STEM-spiration, CTE, and Teacher-led Learning
May 24, 2019 We launched the 100Kin10 Teacher Forum to hear directly from STEM teachers. Teacher Forum members help us keep a pulse on what’s...

Teacher Forum Talks: NGSS, the Meaning of STEM, and Resources
November 27, 2018 100Kin10 Teacher Forum members gathered virtually in November to discuss what they had heard from their peers during recent...
AUSL Supports Teachers at all Stages to Grow Into Leaders and Collaborate Through PLCs
Our report "Teachers at Work: Designing Schools Where Teachers and Students Thrive," identified several organizations and models to learn from as we...
Teachers at Work: Designing Schools Where Teachers and Students Thrive
Read our new report “Teachers at Work: Designing Schools Where Teachers and Students Thrive”, an analysis of the research surrounding teacher work...

Why is school culture top of mind for teachers around the country?
July 13, 2018 The 100Kin10 Teacher Forum is the vehicle that enables 100Kin10 to infuse the priorities and work of the network with what STEM...

It’s More Than Schedules: Teacher Collaboration and Innovative Instruction
June 1, 2018 We launched the 100Kin10 Teacher Forum to get a better pulse on what’s happening in schools and classroom across the country, directly...
Professional development is often treated as a compliance issue.
Published July 2017. Recent reports from such organizations as the National Research Council and the National Academy of Science highlight concerns...
There is no commonly-agreed upon trajectory for teacher professional growth.
Published July 2017. Currently, there exists a plethora of ways and reasons that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers...
Teachers often lack access to quality STEM professional development.
Published July 2017. Efforts to improve K–12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education will necessarily require quality...
Teachers' voices are regularly absent from conversations about their professional growth.
Published July 2017. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) jobs are expected to...

"Too often, professional development in schools is disjointed, unsupported, and participated in just to check a box toward recertification"
In the third grade, I had a lovely teacher who meant well. Nearly every week, we would celebrate Fridays with a game of “Round the World” to practice...
Schools often lack a collaborative environment to foster teacher growth.
Published July 2017. One of the factors contributing to the attrition of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers is the lack...